Project Management
Due to the variety of parties with different roles and views and sometimes with conflicting interests turning a project into a complex undertaking, we offer our project management services during a specific point in the project or from start to finish.
- Planning and procurement process management
- Health systems master planning
- Health systems analysis, feasibility studies and financial evaluation
- Healthcare system policies and procedures development
- Construction supervision and management
Integrated BIM Solutions
We improve communication and understanding of the project through 3D visualization which allows effective monitoring buildings life cycle from conception until it's demolition or rehabilitation.
- BIM Consulting
- BIM Projects
- BIM Integrations
Architecture and Engineering Design
BCG Engineering delivers amazing conceptual designs by prioritizing the client's requirements and the functional requirements of the facility.
- Concept, design architecture and engineering services
- Technical and financial auditing of infrastructure
- Turnkey project for hospitals/ clinics/ clinical and specialized laboratories
Health and Safety Environment
BCG Engineering aims to drastically improve quality and personnel or patient safety by focusing the HSE processes into a specific department or the entire facility.
- HSE – Fire Engineering
- QHSE – Construction Management
- QHSE – Management Systems
Health Technology Management
Health Technology Management in BCG Engineering is one of its core services and an essential part of any healthcare project which makes it possible to be of complete assistance from defining the medical and non-medical equipment to their maintenance and management.
- Evaluation and analysis of health facilities and medical equipment
- Development of healthcare technology management guidelines and toolkits
- Medical equipment and device specifications
- Equipment management
- Equipment maintenance management
- Build institutional capacity (training, workshops, etc)
Health Planning
BCG Engineering's workflow is based in the identification of client's requirements and needs, strategic planning, technical rigor and creativity and we deeply value the extensive communication with the client.
- Hospital design and service matrix planning
- Hospital business case development
- Evaluation of the quality of services, specification, development
- Evaluation and analysis of health facilities and medical equipment
- Pharmaceutical Studies
BCG Engineering Core Services

BCG Engineering provides a wide array of healthcare solutions from scratch or can help expand an existing facility. Our design workflow has 2 major priorities: The Clients Requirements and The Facilities Functional and Spacial Requirements.
Our designs are also based on best practices and guided by cultural particularities in order to achieve a efficient and effective workflow and environment.
If a client has potential financiers and stakeholders, BCG Engineering can create a proper conceptual design to attractively demonstrate to them.

We provide laboratory designs from scratch or to further expand an existing facility, including all the equipment planning needed for the laboratory.
We also provide turn-key projects, where the client just requests a facility design and may provide a small amount of detail, and we deliver everything to the client from the facility design to the end product which would be the keys to the facility.

One of the main services of BCG Engineering is Equipment Planning and it is also a very essential component of every healthcare facility project.
BCG Engineering will properly define every kind of equipment, from medical to non-medical to furniture and other items that are necessary in any buildings sector, department, floor or room.
We also provide detailed information for every piece of equipment and the bill of quantities based on a room-by-room equipment planning.